Monday, March 7, 2011

Write: Outload and Co:Write

Both Co: Writer and Write: Outloud could help the same type of students. Really the software would be great for all students when they are younger and those who struggle with writing when they are older. The software’s ability to help students’ improve their writing can also be appreciated by all students but I do not believe that those that are proficient writers should use it when they are older as it may be unnecessarily leaned on.
The students who can most benefit from Co:Writer would be any students who have difficulty spelling or with limited mobility. For those who have trouble spelling, it can help them discern between similar sounding/spelled words. For those with mobility movement issues it can help limit the amount of typing that they need to do.
Write: Outloud can help students who have difficulty with proof-reading as they can hear from someone else what their writing sounds like. Often when students read their writing back to themselves they hear it as they intended to write it, not as it actual sounds. This software can also help those who are not motivated to do their best work because the do not like to proof read. It will encourage students to look over their work by again being able to hear it as they go through it.

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