Monday, May 2, 2011

TED- SIngle Story

The video we watched today in class has a lot to do with the content of the course. Many people have a single story about those with disabilities and believe that they can not do the things they can. Their single stories limit these individuals’ abilities in their minds and they do not give those with disabilities the opportunity to do more. By only having a single story they are limiting their knowledge to what is most familiar and in many cases may have difficulty expanding their thoughts.
This course changed my single story on those who use communication board by experiencing the use of one myself. The experience allowed my to open my understanding of those who must use them and I no longer have a limited view on their abilities. Just because they can not express their feelings, it does not mean that they do not have great feelings and thoughts inside their heads.
The issue of a single story does not just affect those with disabilities but many groups who are “other.” Jessica’s parents have a single story of families who are supportive of their gay, and lesbian children, just as I had one on Southern Baptist. As I get to know them and them my family we are all realizing that everyone is more normal than we thought. No one is really all that out there and everyone is just existing in their own comfort zones and slowly venturing out of them. Experiences with others and exposure to new things is the best way to tear down the single story and create a more complex one.